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Power Clean set-up

Hang Clean set-up

Click on Explosive and Olympic tap for other Olympic style lifts.



After Slack is pulled out of bar and chest is spread.


As you begin to throw shoulders up and back, focus on bringing hips forward.


As hips are coming forward the lifter must throw elbows up and back.


The athlete must keep bar as close to body as possible.


A common mistake is to lead up with hips instead of shoulders first.




Shins on bar, were the narl meets the smooth area.



All contact together as:

1) Web of hand

2) Shin

3) Bar




Back locked (pull shoulder blades), ABS tight 

Heels pressed into floor


Knuckles pointed down

Pull Slack




Coaching Points:

Inside of the forearms should contact outside of the knees, with the knees not in front of the forearms.


Eyes up- Eyes should be on a fixed target and should not drop from it.


Starting Position is most important part of a safe lift.



As the triple extension is completed the lifter will begin the drop phase.


The drop will be initiated by the hips. Forcing them back.


Lifter then will feel as though they are pulling themselves under bar not pulling bar up like a bicep curl.


As hips drop:

Lifter will throw elbows behind and under bar.

Heels will quickly contact ground.

Weight will shift back to heels.


Eyes staying focused on target.



This is the most beneficial explosive part of the lift.


We want to achieve full extension in the ankles, knees, and hips.


At the completion of the drive phase hips will come forward.


Keeping eyes up, the lifter distributes the weight to their toes.

Forcing elbows up and back as far as possible.



This phase is very important in preventing injury and being able to successfully lift heavier weight.


During drop phase the lifter throws weight to heels and elbows forward. This will help to keep erectors locked, and keep the weight over the center of body.


With the eyes fixed on target the elbows will simulate a “rifle sight” with lifter attempting to look up through elbows. Elbows will go with eyes. If eyes are down elbows will drop.


The lifter must feel as though they are dropping faster than bar and catching it on deltoids as it drops down.



We will not drop the weight until lifter achieves a second hip extension.


After the rack the lifter will stand with the bar, similar to a frontal squat.


As the lifter is standing he/she will drive hips forward again, and not stop until hips are forward and bar is at its highest point.


Keep hands on bar as you drop. (Ride it down) in order to keep bar from bouncing into another lifter.

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